mandag 30. januar 2012

# grey's anatomy

I am sitting curled up on the coach watching Grey's Anatomy, loving it! I started on season 1 and watched season 1 through 6 and just started on season 7, so I've spent quite a lot of time watching McDreamy and McSteamy and the rest of the interns cut open different people's hearts, both literally and figuratively speaking!
I can spend hours watching this show! (and trust me, I have!!)
Gotta go, I have a brain tumor waiting for me!


søndag 29. januar 2012

# stability? stability!

I just found out what I need in life: stability!

“Always remember that the most important thing in a good marriage is not happiness, but stability.” -Gabriel Garcia Marquez


# rocky roads

I feel like all I ever do on this blog is complain, but it's my therapy! This is the place I put down all my feelings and thoughts, because I know that no one will read them and know I wrote it. It's a place I won't be judged for what I mean and think (okay, I might be judged, but it won't affect my social life and stuff).

Yesterday was the last show-day for the revue, so we went to a party to celebrate or whatever! I had a great time, until we went to an afterparty and one of my gf's got so drunk she couldn't take care of herself. So I had to call her sister and mom and get her home, which lead to me missing my curfew, which again made my parents pissed (mostly scared, but that makes them pissed) because none of them thought about the fact that I was the only one there who wasn't drunk, and the only one who took responsibility so that my gf wouldn't walk all the way home alone in the middle of the night (when she couldn't even sit upright!) and get raped or kidnapped or something.
I talked to my mom just now and she said she wasn't mad at me, she just thinks it's sad that my friends put me in that position, but I mean, they don't do it on purpose, and I had a ball!

Anyways, I have tons of homework to do, an increasing headache, and a craving for Edy's slow churned Rocky Road ice cream!!
Man! do I miss eating rocky road straight out of the box!
 Okay, gotta go, geography is calling for me, and if I don't do my homework I'll just about fail the class...which means I'd have to retake it, and there is no way I'll survive that!!
