mandag 24. oktober 2011

mathemathics and cookies

Just finished my math and social studies homework, thought you'd like to know!
Earlier today we had that science test I've been complaining about, went really great! NOT! Yeah, let's talk about something else!

A friend of mine recently fractured her collar bone, which led to a delay of her back-operation! Poor thing! Therefor Victoria and I went on a cheer-up mission!
I brought some biscuits, made some chocolate chip cookies and felt like Little Red Riding Hood as I skipped my way over to her house (OK, I may not have skipped, I took the bus..). Anyways, we had a really good time, chitchatting about anything and everything, but decided that the next time we'd have carrots and guac! We're working on our beach-babe-bodies! haha

Oh well, I'm going to hop in the shower, read some more about the OD-day coming up on Thursday (I just found out I have FOUR FRICKIN INTERVIEWS to do!! Great, I'm totally gonna screw up!) and skip off into Dreamland, see you there!!


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