søndag 30. oktober 2011

# a day's work, on top!

Hey you!!
I've gotten a lot of quiestions lately on what being the Secretary general of Plan Norge was like, so I'm going to put it down on paper so I don't have t explain it seven thousand times a day!!

The day started at 05:45, and I actually felt awake when my alarm clock went of, that's a first! By 06:55 I was on the train on my way to Oslo S where I arrived at 07:08 and met Unni from Plan Norge. We walked up Karl Johan (a street) to the studio's belonging to TV2 (TV channel) where I first got interwied on the news channel, and then on Go' Morgen, Norge! (Good morning, Norway!, it's a talk show, sort of). I was super nervous and excited, but it all went very well. I hadn't gotten any media briefing, because Fredrikke (responsible for the OD-day) was going to answer all quiestions about details and the project, and all the quiestions I was going to be asked were ones I could answer on my own, so when the news-guy asked me what the situation in Rwanda was like, everyone panicked! Luckily for me I came prepared and knew that because of the genocide in 1994 and the following HIV/AIDS epidemic, over 50% of the people living in Rwanda are under 18 years of age, and many of the familys are so called childrenfamilys, meaning everyone in the family is under 18 years old. Yay me!
Helen Bjørnøy (the real General secretary of Plan Norge) and me.

Then we went to Plan Norge's offices, attended meetings, got interviewed by a newspaper called Vårt Land who followed my from TV2 until lunch time. After lunch I attended some more meetings and went to a meeting with a commercial company called Kitchen, it was really exciting actually!

I had a great day, learned a lot actually. Hope you all had a great OD-day and enjoyed helping people who nedd help! Remember that our everydays are their dreams!


onsdag 26. oktober 2011

# happiness

Sorry for that extremely long post last night, had so much energy and stuff!! The post was written in bed, and I had barely enough energy to take my clothes off, so I went to bed with my makeup on, great  idea! This morning I woke up feeling like a zombie, doing everything on autopilot. I didn't remove my makeup from last night, I didn't even refresh it. I put on sweatpants, my favorite hoodie, UGGs and dragges my exhausted body to the busstop, where I collapsed down into the first empty seat in sight.

Now we're listening to our boring Norwegian-teacher talking about some guy named Rudolf Nilsen (a poet, apparently) and the communists. Woho! (sarcasm)
Seeing as it is Wednesday we have one subject all day, and today the schoolboard has blessed us with a full day of Norwegian!!! Oh great! We're doing presentations about different Norwegian poets, fun fun and more fun! Lina and I (I promised her to write a post about her, will do.. sometime soon...or not so soon...) are working together on this poem by Inger Hagerupm and: no, I will NOT translate it, google it!  It's called Lykke (Happiness):
Hva lykke er?
- Gå på en gressgrodd setervei
i tynne, tynne sommerklær,
klø sine ferske myggestikk
med doven ettertenksomhet
og være ung og meget rik
på uopplevet kjærlighet.

Å få et florlett spindelvev
som kjærtegn over munn og kinn
og tenke litt på vær og vind.
Kan hende vente på et brev.
Be prestekravene om råd,
og kanskje ja - og kanskje nei -
han elsker - elsker ikke meg.

Men ennå ikke kjenne deg. 
I'm sure you all got a whole lot out of that kick-ass poem! I prefer this type of poems, they're calles music!!
and this:
FYI, Dream Street is the boyband Jesse McCartney sang in when he was younger!! I'm not kidding, it's frickin' adorable!! And hilarious!! I absolutely love it! Cheers me up everytime, I can't even describe how "boyband" it is!!
BTW, talking about boybands, at TenSing last night the crew from TenSing Norway stopped by. They're a bunch of extremely nice, talented TenSingers, and my friends and I agreed that one of them acted like he was taken straigt out of a boyband! It was the funniest choir-practice in ages (not saying they're not all fun, but this one was hilarious!!!).  We laughed and laughed and laughed and then we laughed some more!! He was absolutely frickin' awesome!! It can't be explained!!


tirsdag 25. oktober 2011


There's really not much to explain, I'm EXHAUSTED!!

Shooting Dogs

Hey there!
Right now we're sitting in class doing task about Rwanda, because of the OD-day coming up on Thursday! Operasjon Dagsver/Operation Day's Work is Norway's largest solidary campaign for youth, if you want to know more visit http://www.od.no/English/index.html (that totally sounds like something you would say in a commercial, i know).

Being the smartass that I am, I have, after having written a loooong job application, been chosen to be the secretary general of Plan Norge on the OD-day!! Yay me! Plan is an international humanitarian organisation that operates child-oriented development without political or religious ties. (www.plan-norge.no - Norwegian text only, sorry about that!) Just kidding, found this: http://www.plan-norge.no/Om%20oss/About%20Plan%20Norway.aspx :) enjoy!!

Shooting Dogs - an extremely strong movie about the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Saw it for the first time during confirmation camp last year, really made an impresion, even made me cry!!
The movie is really worth watching, makes you think things over! Anyways, my teacher is gonna go absolutely bonkers unless I put away my laptop, later on I'll write a post about Lina, who is sitting next to me! She is superduper cute, no kidding!

#TTYL (working on it..)

mandag 24. oktober 2011

mathemathics and cookies

Just finished my math and social studies homework, thought you'd like to know!
Earlier today we had that science test I've been complaining about, went really great! NOT! Yeah, let's talk about something else!

A friend of mine recently fractured her collar bone, which led to a delay of her back-operation! Poor thing! Therefor Victoria and I went on a cheer-up mission!
I brought some biscuits, made some chocolate chip cookies and felt like Little Red Riding Hood as I skipped my way over to her house (OK, I may not have skipped, I took the bus..). Anyways, we had a really good time, chitchatting about anything and everything, but decided that the next time we'd have carrots and guac! We're working on our beach-babe-bodies! haha

Oh well, I'm going to hop in the shower, read some more about the OD-day coming up on Thursday (I just found out I have FOUR FRICKIN INTERVIEWS to do!! Great, I'm totally gonna screw up!) and skip off into Dreamland, see you there!!


søndag 23. oktober 2011


Here comes a rather spontanious post!
While chatting, a friend of mine pointed out that the abbrevation lol looks like a stickman who is drowning! And I have to agree! But perhaps not in Times New Roman though...
See what I mean?
Yeah, I'm such an artist!
Anyways, have a good one!
#TTYL (work in progress people, work in progress!)


You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away
You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure
But it doesn't matter...

Cheers to the frickin' weekend

Hey you guys!

Thought I'd let you know what I've been up to this weekend. I've spent the weekend planning how the TenSing-choir should be run, and how the whole HUS-community should be run and stuff. It's been a great weekend, we slept in church (or the church hall, to be exact) and stayed up the whole night singing songs and playing card games. Oh, and we watched Despicable Me, the pixar movie with the little yellow dudes and orphan girls and Vector, you know!?
I'm not even going to bother posting a picture, google it!!

I have a science test tomorrow, but I simply can't focus on the words I'm reading! I'm reading about how one fox is an individual, all the foxes in an area make a population and all the animals in that area make a society! Wow, that's some interesting shit I'm reading! Anyways, I guess I should give the foxes another try... (great, my two first blogposts are about camles and foxes..wow, I should really concider becoming an author!!)

# TTYN (still working on my finish-line!!)

lørdag 22. oktober 2011

They say you only get one shot, well then I'll say bottoms up!

Some people say you only get one shot at life, but if you live it right once is enough. I don't want to live life the right way, I wan to live it my way! Yeah, I know it sounds like a cliché, and it very well might be, but so be it, I don't really care. I want to live a life that I can be proud to say is my own, and not someone else's. A life based and colored by the decisions I have made. Decisions I have made based on how I feel, and what I think is right and best! Not necessarily what's best for me, but what I feel is the best thing to do, regardless of what I may or may not win/lose. 

You won't know what you'll get until it is thrown at your face, so all you can do is keep your mouth open and swallow whatever comes your way (yeah, I know: that's what she said!). So if it's true that you only get one shot at life: bottoms up! 
(I actually came up with that one myself, just so you know it! So remember to quote me when you use it, haha!! Oh, I'm hilarious!)
So whatever destiny or God or Allah or karma, or whatever you believe or not believe decides how our lives turn our, throws at you, you simply have to swallow it and move on! You might have to swallow a camel every now and then, some more often than others, but for every camel you swallow, the next one will be easier to digest! Keep that in mind when you feel like you've swallowed every camel in the Sahara!

I'll tell you more about myself later on, when I'm ready to get all up-close and personal!
TTYL (yeah, I gotta find a kickass way to end these posts!)