lørdag 10. mars 2012

# what a life I lead!

Remember my complaint-post earlier? Yeah, here's another one for ya!
School went from being pretty okay, to EXPLODING in my face! Everything keeps getting postponed at the last second, which means I get worked up for nothing time after time after time!!
Here's a sneekpeak at what the last week had in store for me:

Monday: Geography test - went to hell and below!
Tuesday: funeral, TenSing
Wednesday: skiday at Norefjell. The weather was crappy, there was way too much snow on the ground, and it kept falling from the sky all day. Oh, and don't forget all the snowboarders!! (Snowboarders shuffle the snow in to HUGE heaps of snow at random places, while other spots are copletely free of snow, aka. ice!) Oh, did I mention ZERO visibility? Well, at least I didn't have to spend all day in a sweaty classroom! And then there was the AFS-dinner thing! Cozy
Thursday: National Women's day! Meeting with Accenture about girls choosing science at High School! This was actually really really fun! Then I went to my physiotherapist with my back,which really hurts.. but he made it tons better! I love my physiotherapist!
Friday: Work-out with two of my girlfriends! I can't remember if I worked out on Monday to, but I really hope I did! I'm gonna work out tomorrow anyways, but I'm trying to get in at least two/three sessions a week..not very successfull right now!
Today I'm having a sushi-date with a girlfriend. I've never made sushi, so this could get interesting!

I've started playing around with Henna paint, I'm such an artist!

Anyways, I'm trying to fit my life in to my schedule, but guess what: it's NOT working!! Oh well, time to get back to studying...great...what a life I lead!! And I'l try bloging more often, promise! (Not that anyone but Hannah is reading this blog anyways)


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